good day, with wheelPrecision i make the zoom faster in desktop and laptops,
however the touch zoom on mobile phones im not managing to make it faster with either of these 3 methods:
camera.panningInertia = 0.0;
camera.panningSensibility = 0.0;
camera.wheelPrecision = 0.5;
how can I make the zoom on mobile phones faster?
thank you
camera.panningSensibility = 0.01;
the panningSensibility, increasing it very little makes the touch zoom go crazy
looks like it was this one the right one
December 16, 2020, 11:52pm
Please provide a playground for all your API question.
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Hi @jose_ignacio ,
I had a similar question a week ago for my game, where the Camera movement responded way too fast to Input (touch, pinch, etc.) for the User to be good UX. And I got to solve it in my case, so here is the solution.
Input sensitivity properties
The Camera sensitivity of responding to Inputs (such as Pointers and Touches) are settings found within the various CameraInputs found on the CameraInputsManager of the Camera. Look for properties like ‘sensitivity’ and ‘pinch’ in the …
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