Hi, maybe I’m not testing it correctly but it feels like it’s regressed a bit. Even with halfDomeMode: true and videoDome.videoMode = BABYLON.VideoDome.MODE_SIDEBYSIDE I am not seeing the half dome effect you had created previously. This afternoon I downloaded preview and used that to run my test script. I verified I was calling the correct script by changing videos.
I tried it with and with the videoMode above and with and without your workaround code:
scene.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable.add((camera) => {
videoDome.videoTexture.uOffset = camera.isRightCamera ? 0.0001 : 0.5;
Turns out it was an issue with the downloaded preview version; when I switched to https://preview.babylonjs.com/… links instead of the preview I downloaded I got much better results. Firefox looked correct.
My code is https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#U7YW0K#1 I’m not sure how to get to the preview version of the sandbox so that part doesn’t match my environment. The code is same as yours, just with some extra VR bits (and using we’re both using the preview versions of the scripts, as noted before).
In Edge it looks like there’s still something going on with which eye gets which camera.
I had some time so I tried making a 2K version of the video and it came up in Chrome! It also worked in the Oculus Quest! So the issue with Chrome and derivatives seems much more tractable than before. 2K is probably too low for training where you need to be able to read a screen in VR so I’m still out of luck but it’s good to know the problem is likely video resolution/codec support.