3d house planner with Babylon js

Hi all.
I would like to present my house planner app
Check it out at: https://3dhouseplanner.com


Cool demo !!!

Nice :slight_smile:

Is it possible to share this app on babylon js twitter or somewhere else?

cc @PirateJC

Recent updates:
Added 2D view: Orthographic camera mode
Import floor plan images into the scene
Measurement tools
Auto Rough Opening for doors and windows
Added Polygon roof
Added more 3D objects


Recent updates:

Added more 3D objects
Added a Floor visibility tool
Window/door outline displayed in 2D view
Implemented a cloning tool for windows, floors, and walls to facilitate building generation
Addressed various bug fixes.

Hi @mathus1

Looks really great. It took me a minute to realize the first dialog was scrollable (I was stuck).

Then the bottom buttons - only the tops were visible.

If you want to support responsive design /mobile - you could try out more resolutions. Cheers.

Certainly. I do require some time to make it responsive for mobile. Currently, I hid the primary tools on smaller screens, intending to unveil them in a future update.


Very helpful indeed, now I can save myself the trouble of moving furniture for my wife by showing her it looks bad there before we move around the whole house… again :slight_smile:


I’m glad that it was helpful. That is my intention when I started to develop this app 2 years ago. Although there are other apps offering more user-friendly features, they have limited free resources and expensive in-app subscriptions. By the way, just letting you know that I received 95 coupons of $20 each for those who give a review of this app on Capterra. If you are interested, click here
To see what gift card you can get based on your country, click here

I guess now it is a little bit more responsive
However, to build walls and drag floor edges, I have used some pointer events. It was designed for mouse clicks. Also, the sap-to-grid function only works if the shift key is pressed. That is why I hid some tools for small screens

I got more 10 gift cards to distribute from Capterra, and I don’t know what to do with these. Only 4 people reviewed my app so far. I have $2000 worth of gift cards to give. Each one is $20. Can someone help me to share this info in any social media, twitter, friends, etc?
The review link is this

New Updates:
Added more 3D models
Terrain generator tool
Terrain painting tool
Gable and Hip roof
Download compressed GLB models
Added shadow and sky material to give a realistic look to the scene
bug fixes


I am reusing the core functionality of 3D House Planner to make a 3D material editor tool that can be used for other purpose

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New Updates:
Added more 3D models and terrain textures
I also need some feedback for improvement.

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First attempt lead me to an infinite loading screen. Reloaded the page, this time it worked. Then saw a giant, modal ad about some gift card I could not click away. Nope, I am done.

One cross origin error in the console that migth be of interest:

Uncaught DOMException: Permission denied to get property "href" on cross-origin object
    o https://blog.3dhouseplanner.com/wp-content/plugins/astra-sites/inc/lib/onboarding/assets/dist/template-preview/main.js?ver=06758d4d807d9d22c6ea:1
    <anonymous> https://blog.3dhouseplanner.com/wp-content/plugins/astra-sites/inc/lib/onboarding/assets/dist/template-preview/main.js?ver=06758d4d807d9d22c6ea:1
    d https://blog.3dhouseplanner.com/wp-includes/js/dist/dom-ready.min.js?ver=f77871ff7694fffea381:2
    <anonymous> https://blog.3dhouseplanner.com/wp-content/plugins/astra-sites/inc/lib/onboarding/assets/dist/template-preview/main.js?ver=06758d4d807d9d22c6ea:1
    <anonymous> https://blog.3dhouseplanner.com/wp-content/plugins/astra-sites/inc/lib/onboarding/assets/dist/template-preview/main.js?ver=06758d4d807d9d22c6ea:1
    <anonymous> https://blog.3dhouseplanner.com/wp-content/plugins/astra-sites/inc/lib/onboarding/assets/dist/template-preview/main.js?ver=06758d4d807d9d22c6ea:1
    o https://blog.3dhouseplanner.com/wp-content/plugins/astra-sites/inc/lib/onboarding/assets/dist/template-preview/main.js?ver=06758d4d807d9d22c6ea:1
    <anonymous> https://blog.3dhouseplanner.com/wp-content/plugins/astra-sites/inc/lib/onboarding/assets/dist/template-preview/main.js?ver=06758d4d807d9d22c6ea:1
    (Async: EventListener.handleEvent)
    d https://blog.3dhouseplanner.com/wp-includes/js/dist/dom-ready.min.js?ver=f77871ff7694fffea381:2
    <anonymous> https://blog.3dhouseplanner.com/wp-content/plugins/astra-sites/inc/lib/onboarding/assets/dist/template-preview/main.js?ver=06758d4d807d9d22c6ea:1
    <anonymous> https://blog.3dhouseplanner.com/wp-content/plugins/astra-sites/inc/lib/onboarding/assets/dist/template-preview/main.js?ver=06758d4d807d9d22c6ea:1
    <anonymous> https://blog.3dhouseplanner.com/wp-content/plugins/astra-sites/inc/lib/onboarding/assets/dist/template-preview/main.js?ver=06758d4d807d9d22c6ea:1

Thank you for reporting your experience. I have removed some of the modals.(indeed it was blocking people from using the app) and the crossing origin error does not show up anymore

Well, and added one for “Ultra -Precise 3D scanners” :stuck_out_tongue:

:rofl: That might be one of the Google Ads auto popups