8thWall camera with glow layer

Hi, I use 8thwall(an augmented reality library?) and BABYLON to create Augmented Reality. So far so good. I just noticed something kind of annoying. If I add a glowlayer to the scene, the camera feed gets treated as an emissive texture and everything starts to glow. so everything turns on white.

I have tried addIncludedOnlyMesh for just one mesh, but still everythings turns on white.

I reached the guys at 8thwall and they told me to ask the babylon people :smiley: since they dont know how the glowlayer works.

the 8thwall / babylon example is here:

the babylon camera gets the 8thwall behavior on line 96:
camera.addBehavior(XR8.Babylonjs.xrCameraBehavior(), true)

Has somebody any idea on how to solve this? probably is hard to debug since you need an appkey to run the example locally :frowning:

Well this could be trickybut let me ask @sebavan :slight_smile:

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Main issue is that they use emissive for their mesh to display the camera feed :frowning:

You could try to exclude their mesh (addExcludedMesh) ???

so I guess i have to ask them how to access their mesh :slight_smile: (i guess is a plane where they are rendering the camera feed, right?)

Yup sounds like it to me, you might be able to find it under scene.meshes :slight_smile:

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for(var i=0; i<=scene.meshes.length; i++){



gives me only one mesh…“ground” that is not what we are looking for :frowning: so they are not adding any mesh to the scene

Maybe a different scene?

Or a layer ?

I am facing the same problem, any idea on this?

Yep, I have this issue too, anyone ever figure out a solution for this?

I’ve posted this back to the 8th wall devs Slack channel as I need to clarify the points @Deltakosh and @sebavan made above, hopefully they will be able to suggest something.

This was the only reply so far to this issue on 8th wall