A platformer-style puzzle game made with babylon.js and love!

About 5 months ago, I was searching for some small games to replicate in babylon.js just to strengthen my skills, as I was a beginner back then. I came across this game submitted for js13k, called ONOFF. I found it very addictive and wanted to replicate a version in 3D. I did stop working on the game 3 months, but I thought it would be worth sharing it here.

It’s called DarkLight, which is a 3D platformer-style puzzle game.

Here are some screenshots of the game:

DarkLight was made purely with babylon.js, even the UI! I fell in love with babylon.js while in progress of making this just because it has so much to offer and does it very well! If you were interested in the source code (and okay with the dirty code by a newbie), you can find it on Glitch.

It’s nothing much, I made it just as a practice. But I think the game can take some shape (according to feedback some people have given me). If anyone would like to work with me on this game, let me know! Any suggestions/opinions would be really nice!

I hope you liked it!

I would also like to take a moment to thank the people behind this amazing library! You are awesome!



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