hello ,
i’m trying to add a hover on the mesh (always above the mesh)
i tried like this : Babylon.js Playground
thanks for help
hello ,
i’m trying to add a hover on the mesh (always above the mesh)
i tried like this : Babylon.js Playground
thanks for help
thanks for ur reply but i want something like this :
simple hover and always above my object.
You can control everything in rect1 and text1 objects. Size, position, colors, borders, text.
thanks @nogalo
This is actually Cool. But If I have several sphere like this. How can I know, which sphere is under mouse cursor now?
You can get the object the pointer is over, eg https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#XCPP9Y#8180
You can re-position your label to a particular mesh using The Babylon GUI | Babylon.js Documentation