Adding an OnPointerClickObservable to code without having screen go blank


I would like to add an OnPointerClickObservableto this wonderful PG made by Sir @sebavan (which is an update of one I did) :

The rotation is awesome but my goal is to have button rotate only when its clicked. When I try to add code and check it within localhost the screen goes blank. Thank ya so very much!!!

:yellow_heart: :green_heart:,

This is just pure javascript/typescript here:


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

This helps out soooo much because Ive been searching the web, forums and the Playground for something that resembled this and little to nothing was what I got. Before posting the question I was curous about whether both observables would work in the code or one or the other. Thanks for making a wonderful example!!!

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