Animated UVs in Babylon?

Is there a way to animate UVs in babylon.?
A waterfall would be a good example.

yes you can :slight_smile:


Is this an official usage?
I checked the api doc for method CreateAndStartAnimation, the second param could be any type, but with typescript linter, it noticed me that the second param is a node type(Mesh, Light, Camera).

Yup it is an official usage and the API should accept any at least, it is how it has been defined in the code:

Weird, my local @babylonjs/core(v4.2.0) shows that it is a Node type:

And i also get this problem: Error Parsing NME Snippet - `TypeError: Cannot set property 'displayName' of undefined`.
Is this a version problem?

This has probably been updated for 5.0 you could try to use preview instead :slight_smile:

I changed it for 5.0 to be more open :slight_smile:

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