Antigravity study demo V2

Dev log (0.0.16) - Track polishing demo

Track editor


  • Free camera movement arrow keys
  • Click the white spheres to edit track positions
  • Press 1 or 2 to add objects ( rocks, grass models, check position (0,0,0)) click them to edit.
  • Press ‘e’ key to enable/disable ground edit. Left/Right mouse click to increase/reduce height.

It’s been a while since I’ve updated due to other priorities. But now I am back in business polishing the game environment.

Also been playing a lot with the NME.
Added, skybox, fog, water mesh, dynamic ground, model loading.

None of this would be possible without the BJS team efforts. I :two_hearts: BabylonJs!


THis is amazing my man! congratulations!

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Dev log (0.0.17) - Small NME Material update to support multi textures

One step closer to better track variations ( and jumps). Added texture mixing and alpha to track textures. It now supports 2 extra track textures with alpha.

For those struggling with alpha see through issues this was a time saver. → NodeMaterial alpha makes Mesh see through

Thanks @Evgeni_Popov for this. :bowing_man: :pray:


This is massive!

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Well I wouldn’t go that far :joy:

1 draw call

As someone would put it… “How cool is that!?”

I am loving NME. As someone that understands the basics of shaders but have no IRL/professional experience with it I am loving how easy and fun it is to play with it. Love it!

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1 draw call is really where NME shines (well and you of course my man!)


Dev log (0.0.18) - Tunnels, particles and decorations

Added meshes load, track save, tunnels, track walkthrough.

Track Editor Live


  • Free camera movement arrow keys
  • Press ‘d’ to walkthrough the track
  • Click the white spheres to edit track positions
  • Press 1-4 to add objects ( rocks, billboards, check position (0,0,0)) click them to edit.
  • Press ‘e’ key to enable/disable ground edit. Left/Right mouse click to increase/reduce height.
  • Press ‘s’ to save

One thing I remember when doing my ‘wipeout’ to improve lighting:
Render a small cube map of the envirronement with a camera in the middle of the track, just above it. And do it every few meters. Use the result as the ambient/reflection value for the ships.
Something small like 32x32 is 24Kb per cubemap. 100 cubemaps along the track is 2.4Mb.

Very interesting to be so close to how you develop your game! :slight_smile:

It would also be nice to look through a glass window that reflects the light effects to add more realism to the game.

Hello Cedric. I’ll be honest. I am a complete noob in lighting a scene. But you are spot on. I need to improve lighting. I was looking to add light reflections to the track. I am back to the NME to do so.

Regarding the technique you’ve mentioned, again I am out of my game here and a lot of learnings take place so I’ll definitively will look in ways to make it happen. I also need to learn about baked lighting and stuff.

My roadmap is getting the game track environment complete before moving to adding the game vehicles and other dynamic moving objects to it. I also want to make everything I can inside the app/environment to highly reduce the loading times and download needs.

Thanks for taking interest in this. It means a lot :blush:

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Thanks for our words dude!
:thinking: you mean like a pilot seat view right? Sounds like a great idea. I have to start looking into lighting stuff :crazy_face:

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… and a mirror to watch your pursuers from behind. :crazy_face:

Basics Screen Space Reflections | Babylon.js Playground (