Any Planned Conference Appearances?

Will the Babylon.JS team be at any upcoming conferences?
Would love to have the chance to meet face-to-face and share a cold one while we discuss Babylon.JS, WebVR, or other semi-related topics.

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Hey @drburton!

Fantastic question! We’re always evaluating the best opportunities to attend conferences where it makes the most sense for the team. A couple of team members gave talks at GDC this year which was fun!

glTF and WebGL Developer Day
WebGL meetup

Two upcoming conferences the team will be attending are:
Microsoft Mixed Reality Dev Day - Applications for this close today, so if you’re interested apply quick!
Siggraph 2019

We’ll make sure to keep everyone updated as we add conferences to the list. We’d love to meet up with you and anyone in the community!

Again fantastic question!!!


I haven’t seen any similar topics so I reply to this one.

I hope to meet some of you at the SIGGRAPH reception this evening (hoping anyone will read this until then).
I met some of you last year at the khronos meetup and switched my project to Babylon after that.
Would love to share some experiences I cannot yet share in public. :slight_smile:

You can identify me by a green K in pixel look on a black polo shirt if you want to say hi

@bghgary and @PirateJC will be at SIGGRAPH :wink: