Applying different Hdr in the same scene

Hello , i need to apply differents .Hdr to differents objects in the same scene , i used material.reflextionlTexture but it is not working . This is my code :

var hdrTexture1 = new BABYLON.HDRCubeTexture("./1.hdr", scene, 512);
var hdrTexture2 = new BABYLON.HDRCubeTexture("./2.hdr", scene, 512);
scene.environmentTexture = hdrTexture1;

var object1= monmesh[1];
var material1 = new BABYLON.PBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial(“material1”, scene);
material1.baseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("./tex/94.jpg", scene);
material1.reflectionTexture = hdrTexture1;
material1.metallic = 0;
material1.roughness = 1;
object1.material = material1;

var object2= monmesh[2];
var material2 = new BABYLON.PBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial(“material2”, scene);
material2.baseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("./tex/94.jpg", scene);
material2.reflectionTexture = hdrTexture2;
material2.metallic = 0;
material2.roughness = 1;
object2.material = material2;


Any help please ?

hi can you make playground please and try it it in