Attach mesh to a glb/gltf skeleton bone

Trying to attach a mesh to a bone as per instructions here

This works for a non glb/gltf skeleton like here

But not for a glb skeleton

The location of mesh seems off. I thought setting it zero would help but it doesn’t.

Does glb/gltf require special handling ?

I believe the associated transform for a bone is found using:

sphere.attachToBone(skeleton.bones[0], skeleton.bones[0].getTransformNode());

But for some reason, there is an offset between the bone and the sphere. cc @Evgeni_Popov

I’m not sure attachToBone is appropriate for glb meshes. At least, I wasn’t able to make it work… It’s a lot easier to simply parent the mesh to the transformed node linked to the bone:


Nice. Thanks
Might be a good idea to update the document for GLTF/GLB meshes