I was working on Babylon decals. I actually manually wanted to position my decals on a vertical wall, but i wasn’t able to get one. My compiler was showing this warning:
BJS - [09:42:59]: Setting vertex data kind ‘position’ with an empty array
Can anyone please help me out
My code was this:
var decalSize = new BABYLON.Vector3(1,1, 1);
var decal = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateDecal("decal", mesh3,size: decalSize});
decal.material = decalMaterial;
Okay thanks for answering back. I will create a repro in playground. Meanwhile can you please tell the syntax for creating a decal without using pickInfo(Without using on pointer down) ?
Here is the example where Vector3 values for position and normal are shown in console after click - https://playground.babylonjs.com/#1BAPRM#465
You may provide your own values when creating a decal, it is not necessary for a decal to be a pointer event.