Babylon js exporter for 3DsMax2020 don`t work


Pls could give me information about this message that I see in Babylon js plugin for 3dsMax 2020,

Where should I find this update, I mean I tried to find it in official Autodesk website but didn`t find similar updates that was noted in babylon js exporter…

Thanks for attention.

You need version 2020 .2 for this to work
But I don’t know where to find it.

Use the Autodesk Desktop app.

I see the description but I don’t see where to download it, its like a some joke…!?

it don`t work, very stupid joke…

Yes, thats it. Your message was a trying to help me or what?

I downloaded the 2021 version because I did not succeed with the 2020 version. I had the same problem as you.

Understood, thanks for help!

Sorry, I don’t think we can help any further. have you tried reaching out to autodesk’s forum? This seems like an issue on their end…