Babylon Native File Size Limitation

:exclamation: :person_raising_hand: Will Babylon Native fix my file size limitation problems? :person_raising_hand: :exclamation:

My team and I have a web application that uses Babylon to load and unpack a .glb file and render its meshes in the browser. We are facing problems when we load in large .glb files that contain a lot of meshes; it is clogging up the machine’s memory (RAM) and straining the browser to its max.

If we were to use Babylon Native to create a desktop application instead, would this be of any help? Can Babylon Native somehow allow me to load in larger .glb files and/or render meshes more efficiently than Babylon (web)?

Is there anywhere where I can play around with Babylon Native and test it out?

Thank you,
Jad Maqdah

cc @BabylonNative

Technically the answer is no: Native is the host for the web engine in the native world.

Also, regarding memory optimizations, did you check this: Reducing Memory Footprint | Babylon.js Documentation (

I agree with @Deltakosh , I don’t think there is any reason for Babylon Native to have a smaller memory usage than an standard web browser, it uses the same JavaScript engines under the hood. If you want to play around with Babylon Native to double check you use the “Playground” app that is part of our repo: BabylonJS/BabylonNative: Build cross-platform native applications with the power of the Babylon.js JavaScript framework (

You should be able to replace “experience.js” with your own JavaScript code to do some testing.

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What is “large” in your case?

Thank you for your reply.

My web application can handle up to 2GB GLB files. If I load in anything a bit larger my memory usage gets to 100% after it unpacks the glb and renders the meshes.

For example, if I load in a GLB file that is around 1.9 GB in size and then look at how much memory my browser is occupying I get the following: total = 15GB used, split into 4 GB for the tab and 11GB for GPU processes.

Thank you!

Oh that should be fine then! The 2GB is a browser limitation. Babylon Native wont have it
