Basis/ktx cubemaps

Hi @vinhui,
any chance you can confirm how you created the .basis cubemap please?
did you use toktx.exe? or another tool? and which command line params did you give?

Thanks for your help :smiley:


We mainly use the basis universal tool, but any should work. The basis universal repo also has an example webpage for converting images. You just need to run it yourself and it’s very rough around the edges.


Thank you for that info.
Since posting I have been trying PVRTexTool from PVRTexTool - Imagination Developers however I am getting the same washed out skybox that @Escobar has mentioned even when setting skyboxTexture.gammaSpace = false, so I will give the basis universal tool a try.

Thanks :+1:

I actually needed to set skyboxTexture.gammaSpace = true to get rid of the washed out look, so it all seems to be working for me now.

Notice that basis still fails with some gradients Banding and yellowish effects on gradients even using UASTC mode · Issue #326 · BinomialLLC/basis_universal · GitHub

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