Basis loader doesn't correctly load alpha channel texture on Android

Back in '17, I was way ahead, but now was just waiting for V2 from Gary. From the posts I saw, I thought this basis thing was V2. I did not actually look up what V2 was.

Hearing the word transcoding mentioned, I now kind of realize why ASTC is not supported with that ‘basis’ process. When I run the batch process I made to encode files using the PVRTex tTool, the ASTC part ran really long. I do not want to run something like that every time.

I would test out V2, but the Quest 2 I ordered will not get delivered until 10/13, and that is not the first thing I want to get to run. Actually will probably just stay in the box for a while, at that. Could debug with DXT on a desktop, but up to my eyes in problems.