Newbie to Babylon here(and everything webGL/3d related tbh). I need to add a sprinkle of “wow” on top of an existing website and I decided to go with Babylon. For someone like me it was a no brainer, lots of goodies baked in and overall it seems more beginner friendly than threejs.
Since I’ve been browsing this forum for the past few days(along with docs/playground), I can honestly say that Babylon community is one of the nicest on the whole www. Is there a filter for bad/mean posters, haven’t seen one tbh
My question should be a fairly easy one, but since there are multiple ways of doing it I decided to ask here.
Attached is an image - I would love to know what is the best way to recreate the star from it.
I would use a png for the star itself and volumetric light scattering for the rays. Or use a shader. I bet you can find one doing this effect.
Glow and Bloom can be useful as well, so maybe you won’t need a png at all. Maybe you could draw the whole object by GreasedLines. It’s an interesting task, I’ll try to reproduce this star using GreasedLines today.
Like the Guy who absolutely wants to push his feature Fair enough and the result is really cool. I also would have said just a png (or two) but I have to say the greasedLines version is unexpectedly good Only thing, I believe the center of the star looks a bit too much like a losange. May be superpose a sphere to it?
I was thinking of doing something with GreasedLines when I saw your github globe demo, but didn’t know where to start lol.
I’ll play with the demo in a few hours when I get home
And thanks for the welcome
P.S. I think that @mawa is right, center of the star looks a bit like like rhomboid/losange,but that is only a minor gripe - it really is very close to the star from the image