Bjs Playground not loading or saving large pgs

I’ve been working on the bhopping in NYNS, and recently I ran into a snag. This playground: will NOT load anymore. I added lines of code to it and tried to save (so the total is now 469 lines of code) and it gives the error “unable to save. maybe your code is too long.”

What can I do/ Whats going on?

Hi, the console says it’s the same cause as this:


Is that the grid material im using? Because now I have 550 lines of code that I don’t wanna lose

You can try again later when the certificate is renewed, and just save it off-site for now to be sure it’s not lost

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Oh, ok. Do you know when it’s getting renewed? For right now ill ctrl+a, ctrl+c, and ctrl+v it into a txt file.

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Soon, but I think it isn’t on auto-renew. We have to summon :smirk: @Deltakosh

Cool! I should have figured. Kinda like what happened this spring when everything went down and The forum kinda went nuts. Deltakosh hadta fix it. :upside_down_face::wink:

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ha, I was just gonna post on this… Glad I’m not crazy! There are a ton of PG’s that wont load right now.


Mayday @sebavan


Works again for me now :smiley: Thanks

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Yay! Thanks for the fix! Now I can save a see the console errors!

Sorry about that, and thanks a ton for reporting !!!

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