I want to blend 2 textures, basically overlay texture 2 on top of texture 1 and only those parts of texture 1 should be visible where texture 2 has black colour or the alpha is 0.
I know this can be done using shaders but not sure how to write them yet.
You can do it with Mix Material - Mix Material | Babylon.js Documentation
but it requires 4 minimum diffuse textures, and i only have 2
Another option is to use Node Material like here - https://nme.babylonjs.com/#12YPTW#4
If you only need to do it once, maybe it would be more ideal to use a dynamic texture?
Thanks Node Material is a great tool, I know how to do it in unity, but can not find a similar node to Blend, with override option. I want to achieve a similar effect in Babylon
Im still not convinced you need to do this on the GPU. Are they going to be updated more than once/realtime or is this something you can combine them into a single texture then set that as the albedo/diffuse?
one of them is going to be a video texture and one static @Pryme8
A procedural texure might be the way to go ?Node Material Procedural Textures | Babylon.js Documentation
Hi all!
I’m struggling with the same problem, but it’s a small difficulty - under the second texture there is a the first texture – PBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial, and first I apply ‘baseTexture’, ‘normalTexture’, ‘metallicRoughnessTexture’, ‘specularGlossinessTexture’ to it. I create embroidery tool for customers and I need to change the embroidery of the Company Logo to different colors, so I created a baseTexture that is only a logo and I want to add it to the first texture.