Please need urgent help or suggestion to fix the issue with loading a glTF model.
This model was purchased from sketchFab, and, it is working in three.js but not in Babylon.js. We recently moved our code from threejs to babylonjs.
Model: 3d Animated Realistic Human Heart - V2.0 - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Doctor Jana (@docjana) [168b474] - Sketchfab StoreScreen.zip (2.6 MB)
Does BabylonJS not supports C4D animation?
If I remove the animation section from the glTF file, then the file gets loaded without any errors in the console and the model is appearing correctly.
Please see attached threeJS and BabylonJs recording with the animation on.
This model with animation is required for the upcoming UAT of the app we developed with Babylonjs.
Looking forward for your help!!