Curious if BABYLON.6DoFConstraint could be created for a solitary physics body (i.e. not attached to another physics body) to better constrain that physics body’s movement. After that 6DoFConstraint was created, could one then:
If so, could someone create a brief example of how I would set that up (e.g. prevent box from tipping over in a constrained axis when a force is applied)
(If not, I welcome any suggestions of other ways in Havok physics can constrain a physics body’s movment)
It doesn’t really make sense to have a constraint without 2 bodies.
But you can create a static body (or a kinematic one) and add a constraint with a dynamic body.
I understand that Havok physics using the term “constraint” to refer to what box2d calls “joints”. My intention was not to use such joints/constraint objects but instead to constrain (in the general sense of the word) movement of my physics body when acted on a force. It seemed that other engines I read about (e.g. Unity) online have a way of constraining movement of a single physics body:
Was really hoping to use forces/impulse to move body. I did previously try setting body inertia to 0,0,0 and my physics body still seemed to tip over when applied but will try gain and this time make it into a playground so can post if not working.
What i did differently was to use the:
physicsBody.setMassProperties({inertia: new BABYLON.Vector3(0,1,0)}) function [since I still wanted my physicsBody to rotate easily in the Y axis]
instead of what I was doing of trying to which was to try and insert the inertia setting property into the physicsAggregrate constructor
However, was a little tricky after that. Initially, the physics body didn’t seem to move at all in the X,Z plane when I applied the impulse that usually moved physicsBody (after setting the inertia to 0,1,0 so thought it wasn’t working). I then realized I could get the physicsBody to move with the inertia at 0,1,0 by applying a much higher impulse (for my project, I ended up needing to apply 100x the strength of the impulse to get the same apparent movement as if I hadn’t set inertial to 0,1,0. I can now play around with the inertia numbers to get what I want but my physics body definitely doesn’t tip over.
Does the range of values for inertia go from 0 to 1? It would probably be helpful to others if the “inertia” feature was explained a bit more in the documentation; I see on the forum that multiple people have asked similar questions on how to prevent their physics bodies form tipping over. A playground might also help. (I’ll try to come up with a playground for that once I figure out more about how inertia works in my project).
Regarding your example projects: I git cloned the first repository you linked but couldn’t get the project to run. I found one index.html file in the public folder that I tried to run using a local host static server but that seemed like a simple .html file that didn’t link all of the .js files together so don’t show me anything except for a blank screen with a counter. At your convenience, could you explain briefly further how to get your project that you linked to run?
Since I’m trying to use forces to move the player, I figured I’d get more consistent results if I on my physics body I setAngularVelocity (along with angularDampening). However, since the API doesn’t specifically include angularForce or angularImpulse, I understand your point that I could just as well just rotate the body.