Can the clone function of mesh be more memory effciency?

Hi team,

I knew cloning a mesh from scene share the geometry and texture, which is memory friendly and cool. But when I clone more meshes with thousands of vertices, the memory still goes up rapidly.

From github, mesh.ts,

the clone function returns a new mesh,the constructor shows there is a bunch of deepcopy contents. which includes the material and geometry.

So If there is a further way for save memory when cloning same meshes on the scene?

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Heya, that third param to DeepCopy is the doNotCopyList, resulting in geometry and material not being copied for example. IDK about the overall memory issue thou… :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you want to use different materials for the clones? If not, you could use instances instead, which are even more efficient: Instances | Babylon.js Documentation (

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Hi Blake!
Thank you for your reply. Oh you are right, that part is not deepcopied…
But I tested a mesh from a skined avatar with about 14k triangle and 5 textures(size 1024x1024) using mesh.copy() function. Which takes about 1.5MB memory and 7ms for loading time during the render loop. I wonder what else should be created and takes the memory if the geometry data is shared after cloning process. Because I want to create the avatar during the run time.

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Hi carolhmj,
Thank you for your concern. I am using clones for playing some avatars different animations at the same time during the run time. But one clone function takes about 7ms which leads to a increase of the render time. In terms of performance, is there any way to speed up the cloning process?

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The only way I can think of to speed it up would be to pre-create a bunch of disabled clones at the beginning and then quickly enable them as needed. :slightly_smiling_face:


This might be a memory leak somewhere, @RavenLee, could you create a tiny repro in the PG so that we can investigate where we duplicate too much ?


Hi @RavenLee just checking in to see if your problem is resolved or if you could provide us with a playground repro :slight_smile: