Changes to some files gets built, while others do not. TS question

so I am trying to make changes to ./src/Rendering/edgeRenderer.ts and for some reason nothing that I do seem to reflect in the code after the node builds.

The other files that I am changing (the shaders vx/fx) are all propagating the changes instantly.

Im not dropping any errors and simple things like declaring new uniforms here

        this._lineShader = new ShaderMaterial("lineShader", this._source.getScene(), "line",
                attributes: ["position", "normal"],
                uniforms: ["worldViewProjection", "color", "width", "aspectRatio",
				"vFogInfos", "vFogColor"

is doing nothing. All the old uniforms are there on the object when its created in a scene the “worldViewProjection”, “color”, “width”, “aspectRatio” parts, but I see nothing for the fog stuff.

I dont think they are even really getting bound at all when they should.

I tested and put a console.log in the render() method of the edgeRenderer to see if I could get anything to pop up, and now I’m stumped cause its either TS strips console logs or I am doing something wrong.

Can you make sure the define is also added? (you need to define FOG for the shader includes to work)

yeah I did that manually, but I will try with the includes and then do the define.

 protected _prepareRessources(): void {
        if (this._lineShader) {
		var defines = [];
		if( this._source.applyFog ) {
			defines.push("#define FOG");

        this._lineShader = new ShaderMaterial("lineShader", this._source.getScene(), "line",
				defines : defines,
                attributes: ["position", "normal"],
                uniforms: ["worldViewProjection", "color", "width", "aspectRatio",
				"vFogInfos", "vFogColor"

        this._lineShader.disableDepthWrite = true;
        this._lineShader.backFaceCulling = false;

I even did one where:
defines : [’#define FOG’], was declared but got the same output as below.

I would figure the defines should pop up…

It really feels like nothing I am doing to the edgeRenderer.ts file is doing anything but it still is building and being checked by cmder because if I was to break the code it lets me know right away. But then simple thing like a console.log won’t even come out (again maybe I’m just dumb and you can’t add console.log outs to it and there might be some method im supposed to be using instead?)

I can’t help with no repro:( did you setup vscode like mentioned in the Doc?

When I develop I use the local dev option So I can setup breakpoints in vscode so you can check what is going wrong