Chrome failed to switch tap while loading video textures

I used several videos in my scene, as the background of the wall, and when I opened the page normally there were no errors.

But when I switch the tap page before the video texture loads, I get an error.


The play() request was interrupted because video-only background media was paused to save power.



Hello! Are you able to provide us with a Playground where this error happens? Or at least your project? When you say “tap” page, do you mean a tap gesture on the screen?

I guess it might happen on TAB switch in the browser ???

if yes you probably need to hook into onError event to retry playing once the tab becomes acvtive again ?

A repro would be great as @carolhmj mentioned.


On our Playground above, this error occurs when I switch to a different page in the current browser before it finishes loading. This seems to be due to browser playback policies.

I found a way to solve the error.

  1. The video needs to be video with audio.

  2. Disable video mute.

  3. If you want to mute the playback. Set the video volume to 0 instead.