Collaborative parameterised 3D modelling web application

A parameterized 3D modeling web app - the future of design collaboration. Real-time rendering with 70% more speed and 90% smaller files. As if Figma and Autodesk had a baby - but with superpowers.
he demand for 3D designs in web, games, or apps is skyrocketing, but current design tools are expensive, complex, and require extensive training. Designing an object in a 3D space requires multiple interactions, renders, and huge resources.

We have built a parameterized 3D modeling software that comes with these three superpowers:

:boom: Up to 70% faster preparation time
:clamp: Up to 90% smaller files
:video_game: Real-time rendering and real-time multi-user collaboration

Imagine creating a 3D model of a chair. In traditional 3D modeling, if you want to make the chair taller or wider, you would need to go in and manually modify each part of the model. But with our software, you can adjust specific parameters such as the height, width, and length of the chair, and the model will automatically adjust accordingly. This means that you can create a lot of different versions of the same object without having to start from scratch each time.

This model will have its biggest impact in areas like product design, game design, and e-commerce.
made by @nasimiasl
please vote for Celer3D on producthunt


I joined the waiting list. Super excited to try it out! :slight_smile:


thanks ali_parnan for Share this

also i like call @sebavan @Deltakosh @Dad72 @Pryme8 @Cedric @bghgary @Vinc3r @gryff @MackeyK24 @PirateJC [ oh it is so hard call all People Here :slight_smile: dont blame me if i cant write all my firends name here ] To support us on Product Hunt and please join the waiting list we have a big surprise next month


@mawa @Blake @jerome @inteja @aFalcon @nogalo @ozRocker @MarianG @adam @Evgeni_Popov too :slight_smile:


That is quite a stacked friends list you go there <3

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Congratulations and wish you a lot of success! :tada:


Upvoted. :+1: And then despite the fact that I had to register to yet another site. Coming from me, you can consider this an endorsement. :grin: Looks really amazing :heart_eyes: :star_struck:. I can’t wait to try this revolutionary product so I also joined the waiting list.


I joined the waitlist.


thanks @mava and @bvaisman and all others It is highly appreciated for your support at this stage, the beta version will be uploaded this month, we will do our best to repay your support. :muscle: :pray:

i start prepare some video as toterial

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I was wondering when it would be coming. In the meantime, I visited the website (about a month ago) but I found it had changed a lot, though I didn’t have the link to the editor so it was quite confusing at that time :thinking:. I’m eager to give it my first shot :child: :grin:

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i make backcount for 48 days that be released that time but that is availible as alpha version in Celer3D Editor | Flexible Parametric 3D Model Editor here i will send toterial this week


Hi @mawa thank you for your patience and interest in using our Celer3D. Good news is that from now on you can use our tools. we are preparing several procut tours video to support you.

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