Confused about babylon version using npm

I may be missing something but…

I use npm, webpack and babylon - defined as follows:

“dependencies”: {
@babylonjs/core”: “5.0.0-alpha.14”

I wanted to use some of lately merged PR and I was hoping that I would find it in alpha 14

anyway in codebase (node_modules) there are no changes I was looking for, I’m even not sure if its version5 or maybe 4.2. Maybe npm version is built on a different track or something. I could not find information about it.

So my question is silly:

using ‘npm i @babylonjs/core’ which version I use ?


is it possible to get latest alpha 14 version via npm? build it for my own, maybe?

Thanks in advance!

Of course it is possible. You will just need to either specify the version you want to use or the tag you want to use. You can see the available versions here:

You can see that 4.2.0 is defined as “latest”, since it is the latest stable. alpha-15 is defined as “preview” which is the tag you can use to always get the latest version of babylon from npm. To do that, define the tag or version you want to use when installing. for example:

npm i @babylonjs/core@preview


npm i @babylonjs/core@5.0.0-alpha.14

you can, of course, change it in your package.json and run npm install again. this will work the same if you already installed a different version


Thanks, now its clear,
I somehow missed the version tab ;]

but, alpha-14 (not 15) is defined as “preview”, so I’m assuming that I just need to wait for alpha 15 which is just not released yet (to have this latest PR included).

Thanks, have a good day :slight_smile:

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