Creating a dropdown component with React Typescript to be used with babylonjs

Using the example in this playground as basis I have created a Dropdown component in my react typescript as follows

import { Button, Container, Control, StackPanel } from “@babylonjs/gui”;

export const Dropdown = (function () {
function Dropdown(hostingControl: any, height: any, width: any, color: any, background: any, top: any, left: any, dropdownOptions: any) {
// Members
height = height;
width = width;
color = color || “black”;
background = background || “white”;

// Container
let container = new Container();
container.width = width;
container.verticalAlignment = Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_TOP;
container.isHitTestVisible = false;

// Primary button
let button = Button.CreateSimpleButton("", "Please Select");
button.height = height;
button.background = background;
button.color = color;
button.verticalAlignment = Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_TOP;

// Options panel
let options = new StackPanel("OptionsPanel");
options.verticalAlignment = Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_TOP; = height;
options.isVisible = false;
options.isVertical = true;

button.onPointerUpObservable.add(function () {
  options.isVisible = !options.isVisible;

// add controls

// Selection
let selected = null;
let selectedValue = null;

// dropdownOptions.forEach((optionElement: any) => {
//   Dropdown.prototype.addOption(optionElement.key, optionElement.value, 'black', 'white', options);
// });

// if (top) {
// = top;
// }
// if (left) {
//   container.left = left;
// }

Object.defineProperty(Dropdown.prototype, ‘top’, {
get: function () {
set: function (value) { = value;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Dropdown.prototype, ‘left’, {
get: function () {
return this.container.left;
set: function (value) {
this.container.left = value;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true

Dropdown.prototype.addOption = function (value: any, text: any, color: any, background: any) {
var _this = this;
var button = Button.CreateSimpleButton(text, text);
button.height = _this.height;
button.paddingTop = “-1px”;
button.background = background || “white”;
button.color = color || “black”;
button.onPointerUpObservable.add(function () {
_this.options.isVisible = false;
_this.button.children[0].text = text;
_this.selected = button;
_this.selectedValue = value;
return Dropdown;

I then tried importing it and use with babylon scene as follows

  import { Dropdown } from "./Dropdown";

  let statusPanel = new StackPanel("StatusPanel");
  // TextBlock for the first CheckBox
  let statusTB = new TextBlock("tb1", "Status: ");
  statusTB.heightInPixels = 15;
  statusTB.widthInPixels = 30;
  statusTB.paddingRight = 5;
  statusTB.fontSize = 18;
  statusTB.verticalAlignment = Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_TOP;
  statusPanel.isVertical = false;
  statusPanel.heightInPixels = 45;

  var statusOptions: { key: number, value: string }[] = [
    { key: 0, value: 'Active' },
    { key: 1, value: 'Inactive' }
  var statusDropdown = new (Dropdown as any)(statusPanel, "15px", "100px", "black", "white", "0px", "0px", statusOptions);
  statusOptions.forEach((optionElement: any) => {
    //statusDropdown.addOption(optionElement.key, optionElement.value, 'black', 'white');
  // = "50px";

uncommenting the addOption line throws the following error

setting top throws this error

any suggestions on how to properly use dropdown component with react

Hello! It would be helpful if you can share your code as a Github project or CodeSandbox so we can look at it better :slight_smile: