CSG and collisions for a carved-out space?

CSG2 looks exciting! But if I used it to reductively carve out a traversable space, how would collisions with the walls of that carved-out space be detected? Since traditional bounding geometry around the extents clearly wont work.

Physics collisions would work with shape type of MESH.

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Sure but that’s highly inefficient for first-pass collision culling as it requires testing against every vert on a collision miss, yes? Pretty big performance loss, I would imagine.

I thought it was fairly standard for first pass through bounding box intersections, radial distance, or another method that tracks proximity history. If proximity passes through that filter (and maybe more than one filter), only then is there facet by facet calculation. Bottom line, though, is: I don’t know how Havok does it.

Sure but now instead of testing for first vert that enters the bbox, you have to test for first vert that exits.

Huh, when I put it that way, suddenly it sounds like the same workload just inverted. B-)

Let s add @Cedric and @eoin to shine some lights on this topic after the break.