Hi team,
I’ve been trying out CSG for the first time… to create holes in a ground mesh,
However, it only creates an indent.
Is there any way i can remove the intersected area?
It should create a clear, see-through hole, not an indent.
No geometry data in the hole (vertices, etc) that could cause collision.
The PG has a sphere mesh to create a circular hole; results in a circular indentation.
I tried a box mesh, has same results as sphere, just a indent in a box shape.
I tried another (smaller) GroundMesh, results in a mesh with no geometry.
That’s a little disapointing
I need it to be a flat plane, and i’'ll be running collisions on it, so a box would more than double the triangles needing to be checked
Also note that CSG is not known for creating clean geometries, so you will have extra triangles that you would not have if you generated the mesh offline: