Debugging Against Different versions of BabylonJS


I wrote a large project Babylon V3.3.0

I thought I would try and upgrade to the current version and see how it goes, that seems to be easy enough to trial run - just changing my local JS import statements to CDN.

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <script src=""></script>

I reproduced three lines of these imports above but of course there are a few more.

My code does not behave as expected in the lastest version so I have some debugging to do.

Can someone advise how I need to change these import statements so that I can visit different versions of Babylon and see where the behaviour changed? It would be simpler to work this way to isolate the version change I need to look at.

For instance if I wanted to run my code on Babylon v5.50.0 how would I change the above lines?


For example,
The list of all versions URLs is here - BABYLONJS CDN links [BabylonJS/Babylon.js] - CDNPKG
For other packages use search, for example minified loaders are here - BABYLONJS.LOADERS.MIN.JS: DOWNLOAD - CDNPKG

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Thanks Labris :smiley:

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