Demo from the sound tutorial does not work on iPhone 14, but works on iPhone 11


This demo playground

from Babylon’s official tutorial on handling sound autoplay

works as expected on iPhone 11 / Safari - music starts playing on tap. However, it does not work on iPhone14Pro / Safari. No matter how I tap / click the canvas, I am not getting sound.
(my iPhone14Pro is on iOS 16.7.2)

Please let me know how sound autoplay should be handled on iPhone14

Thank you

I found a very ugly work-around. To make this work on iPhone14, I need to play on background a video that has zero-volume sound (note this video cannot be muted and it cannot be a video with stripped sound) Here is my playground

I hope someone has anything less ugly than that

cc @andy.fillebrown

cc @docEdub

Is the iPhone ring/silent switch on the left side of the device set to allow sound?


Hey, please try this one, i removed the check if audioEngine is already unlocked, it acts a bit strange sometimes.
Afraid i don’t have any IOS devices to test it with.

There may be a related Safari bug with bluetooth. Try closing Safari, turning off bluetooth, and re-opening Safari to see if that gets it working.

Is the iPhone ring/silent switch on the left side of the device set to allow sound?

That is it! I switched it and now the example starts working. Thank you