When assigning a diffuse texture, it is applied correctly to the mesh, however when assigning the same texture through the inspector applies it mirrored:
The second image is applied by inspector, material, delete texture, upload texture.
When assigning a diffuse texture, it is applied correctly to the mesh, however when assigning the same texture through the inspector applies it mirrored:
The second image is applied by inspector, material, delete texture, upload texture.
I am guessing they instantiate the texture like so:
Yep, that’s it Babylon.js/packages/dev/inspector/src/components/actionTabs/lines/textureLinkLineComponent.tsx at 6ff4ecab38ef4ce9a5c3f517415482176dae0a53 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub
@sebavan Is this expected behavior?
Yep. Inspector makes no assumption and set all value to false if possible