I am proud to share my first EdTech web app initiative, with the inestimable support of BJS framework! It is not complete enough, in terms of the educational resources, but I am receiving interest messages of medical schools, here in Brasil, which if I get luck, will enabled it evolution and application.
Excuse some difficulties you are experiencing, because I need to do a better help and need to fine tune some issues too! But the best approach is go back and reorient/turn before reach the bifurcation!
I am glad you like my work but unfortunately I can not share it with you, because I have an NDA ( Non Disclosure Agreement) with partners in this project which we are evolving to a commercial product.
Yes - all Web GL flags enabled. On a different version of Chrome it got a little farther (Chrome Version 78.0.3904.70 (Official Build) (64-bit)) so I can see the geometry now and I get the error below. Wondering if your render loop is making sure the geometry is loaded and rendered before doing matrix work. I had something similar where my raycasting failed unless my geometry was actually being drawn.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘getWorldMatrix’ of undefined
at e.intersectsMesh (babylon.js:16)
at e.intersectsMeshes (babylon.js:16)
at _0x304ec4 ((index):59)
at Object.callback ((index):59)
at e.notifyObservers (babylon.js:16)
at e._processPointerMove (babylon.js:16)
at HTMLCanvasElement._onPointerMove (babylon.js:16)