Good afternoon everyone
So currently all the youtube embeds are thumbnails (<img>
tags) that do not have a context menu option to say “open link in incognito” , This is obviously because they are not links ( <a>
can you perhaps change this on the forum? I know with other websites that use a youtube embedded player they do not use this thumb and it is possible for me to right click the “open in youtube” button of the player and choose incognito etc ( i have my reasons )
I looked at the embed settings on the forum and I’m not sure if this is something we can change, but I tried adding youtube to the allowed iframes to see if it changes the embedding type…
Let’s Talk About MatCaps - YouTube
Testing here
so your post above is just a url , which is a link and i can get a context menu from that but has no embedded player obviously. ( see image ) I tried myself to just paste a youtube url and it just did the whole img tag thing again. weird
if I click share on a video on youtube and select the embed option , the default generated code provides this functionality , see here :
Can you try to paste the iframe code directly here, without using codepen?
i just did , it does nothing , this post has it , its blank
Huh, it’s not showing up to me, is it for you?