Hi! I am new to the Babylon Dev scene and I am working on my first Babylon Game, a warship game. I got the world and stuff working, but I got problems during implemention of the player model.
I getting following error while trying to load the player model:
404 (Not Found) Error loading player: Unable to load from …/Resources/models/yacht.glb. Not Found.
What could be the problem??
My Code:
import { Mesh, Scene, Vector3, SceneLoader, AssetContainer, } from “@babylonjs/core”;
import { GameManager } from “…/Framework/Core/GameManager”;
import { GLTFFileLoader } from ‘@babylonjs/loaders’;
// Register the GLTF file loader
SceneLoader.RegisterPlugin(new GLTFFileLoader());
// …
export class Player {
private _mesh: Mesh;
private _scene: Scene;
private _targetPosition: Vector3;
constructor(scene: Scene) {
this._scene = scene;
this._targetPosition = Vector3.Zero();
public async load(): Promise {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const playerModelUrl = “…/Resources/models/yacht.glb”;
(container: AssetContainer) => {
if (container.meshes.length > 0) {
// Cast the first mesh to a Mesh object
this._mesh = container.meshes[0] as Mesh;
} else {
reject(new Error('No meshes found in the player model'));
(message, exception) => {
// Handle errors during loading
public update(deltaTime: number): void {
if (!this._mesh) {
// Move player towards target position
const direction = this._targetPosition.subtract(this._mesh.position).normalize();
const speed = 1; // Adjust this as needed
this._mesh.position.addInPlace(direction.scale(deltaTime * speed));
public setTargetPosition(position: Vector3): void {
this._targetPosition = position;
public getMesh(): Mesh {
return this._mesh;