FBX To GLB -- Batch Convert / Optimize + Github projects

Hi group!!!

I’ve been a lot of work and the truth is that I haven’t had time to enjoy BJS.

Here is a mini NodeJS APP for Batch Converting from FBX files to GLB with a simple command line.
It maintains the structure and supports subdirectories.

Initially I’m using it to convert a ReadyPlayerMe animation pack to GLB and it seems to do just fine.

For those who don´t understand NodeJS, the Readme explains the installation, it is very simple.

I hope it helps you.

FBX2GLB Convert / Optimizer

Also I leave here other shared projects on Github

BJS Character Navigation

BJS Character Navigation – Point To Navigate

BJS ReadyPlayerMe Animation-Combiner

TICO Scroll Navigation


That looks like something that can be very helpful. :+1: Thanks a lot for sharing :smiley:

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Thank you very much @mawa

The typical problem you run into when you have more than 100 FBX files and want to use it in BJS.

Now I am going to see how to incorporate an auto optimization function (MeshOpt, Draco…)

Yes, this number thing still is an issue somehow. I recently fixed one where I was loading a few dozens models from different types. Now, I’m facing another issue where I need to fetch about 1000 links to pictures respecting a number of rules and tags. I’m looking on the side of the AI but I’m still not sure which one will deliver. Content can become an issue, doesn’t it? :grinning:

so many good resources here !!! thanks for sharing @DRLeria

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These are all GREAT I bet they’ll save many people’s days, thanks a lot for sharing! :heart:

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