FreeCamera rubber banding on firefox when fps is low

Hi, I’m on linux/firefox and I noticed a thing, when fps gets real low, Free Camera starts rubber banding.


as opposed to chrome, it gets choppy but never rubber bands

This is the PG I used Babylon.js Playground

I also get this Warning:

Idk if this is a babylon bug given it’s browser and env specific but is weird for sure \(o_o)/

edit: when I say rubber banding, I mean cam moving in the opposite direction I’m trynna move it in a fit of lag / camera fighting back

Weird for sure! I unfortunately don’t have a Linux machine to test with, but at least for Firefox on Windows and MacOS, I can’t repro this. There’s definitely lag, but not in the way you’re describing-- not in a way that moves the camera in the opposite direction.
cc @amoebachant, what do you think?

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same here I cannot repro :frowning:

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What about Chrome?

What about Chrome?

Works just fine w/ chrome, no rubber banding : O

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for Firefox on Windows and MacOS, I can’t repro this

well, definitely not a babylon bug then, prolly smth wrong w/ firefox, nvm then

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Fair enough! If it happens again on a different device / browser, let us know and we can try to have another look :slight_smile:


sure thing! thanks for taking a look : )