I’ve successfully exported the Mesh + Vertex info in a .OBJ file.
This takes care of the mesh + UV map in blender.
Now i need to animate this stuff with the bones + animations in Blender.
I’ve tried exporting with gltf,babylon etc… they’ve all failed on exporting the entire scene. This is why I’m targeting single Meshes in the scene.
Is there a way to take this Mesh object, grab all its bones+animation data, and save that into a .fbx file I can then open in blender and hook back up to the OBJ file I exported earlier???
I want to go Babylon.js —> export via fbx --> import into Blender, use fbx animations with OBJ file mesh.
My two cents… FBX is Autodesk Proprietary Exchange format. If you want to create .FBX files, you need to get your hands on the Autodesk FBX SDK. (Warning: Its old school C/C++).
Once you have that… A mesh is a mesh… POSITIONS, NORMALS, TANGENTS, UVS, COLORS and TRIANGLE INDICES… This is the same every where… So you would use your FBX sdk to serialize your mesh data in fbx format.
FYI… This is why they created GLTF (and legacy open formats like Collada).
Also… Its gonna be tough using your native FBX in a game or project… Because you again need the FBX SDK to read the file on the various platforms (Windows, Mac, IOS and Android)
Technically … Animations are just the POSITION, ROTATION AND SCALE (Either seperate tracks for each or a combined matrix) at a given timestamp so you could dump that stuff in ANY format that supports animations… .babylon, .gltf or .fbx