I’m starting this devlog to share my progress on Garden Explorer. Development began in February 2024, but I’m logging it now to make the journey more engaging.
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The game is about creating and managing your own garden. Pests will try to attack your crops, so you’ll need to protect your harvest. Players can also explore different areas and interact with others.
I’ll announce when there’s something to test. For now, here are some highlights of what’s been done!
I have a staging server here. I can’t guarantee it will always be online, but the most daring ones can occasionally take a peek and, for example, test the FPS in a specially demanding scene where 300 diamonds burst out of a chest.
Do you mean the difference between walking and running? So that there is a noticeable difference between regular walking and running. The thing is, if you eat mushrooms little by little, your speed increases. But you must eat at a rate no faster than 2 mushrooms per 15 (in-game) minutes. If you eat one mushroom and then another after some time, your speed and attack power will increase, but you will lose a bit of health. Also, if you kick while jumping, you can accidentally kill yourself by hitting any obstacle. The impact strength scale for fly agaric mushrooms hasn’t been added yet, but it does exist. The effect of the fly agaric wears off over time, returning the player’s speed and strength to normal.
If you eat an apple and your health is below 100%, it is automatically consumed to restore health. But if your health is full, the apple goes into your inventory. When picking up mushrooms, they always go into the inventory and can only be consumed consciously from there, never automatically. The inventory currently contains only three types of items.
I completely forgot! You can also toggle “lying” mode by pressing the “X” key. When crawling on all fours, the character moves much faster but only in a straight line. If you need to escape quickly, you drop to all fours and run. The “C” key toggle crouch or stealth mode (the “ninja” mode).
Yes, it would be a great honor to be featured in a video dedicated to the release of version 8. I can provide video clips in the required quality that you request. The game is not finished yet, but it already has elements worth showcasing. The ejecting shotgun shells look interesting, and the glowing moon with tree shadows also looks very beautiful.
I can cut the necessary highlights and upload them to my hosting. http://game.1kit.net/videos/gardener-highlights-babylonjs-demo.mp4
I uploaded it to the same place where the game is stored so that it can be downloaded without being affected by YouTube’s codec compression for editing. But if higher quality is needed, I’m ready to provide any video of the required length at a moment’s notice. Even if my future game appears in the video for just 1-2 seconds, it will already be a joyful event for me.
Gentlemen, please take a look. Maybe it would be even better to take a small snippet – about a second – from the 16th second of this video, and about one and a half seconds from the 50th second.