I have for some time been writing an RPG for myself using awesome babylon.js!
It’s free and I would love your feedback and tips for improvement
Play now at https://www.mudgate.com
Here is 5-minutes gameplay:
I have for some time been writing an RPG for myself using awesome babylon.js!
It’s free and I would love your feedback and tips for improvement
Play now at https://www.mudgate.com
Here is 5-minutes gameplay:
woot! really good buddy!
We have now added a lot new animations and effects to the game all done using Babylon
We have created environmental effects like mist, gas, flames, and lightning with particle system.
And animations like this: (updated with better video)
Nice !
Making a rabbit crispy with burning hands here. Achieved by using a CustomParticleEmitter and ParticleSystem.
Oh my goodness! what did the poor rabbit do to you
Jokes aside nice progress. This game has a lot of components to it. Very cool
Long time since I’ve updated here!
I have made major leaps for my game MudGate with Graphics, Audio, UI and gameplay, and now I have players actually playing my game. Whohoo!
Here is a gameplay of realms exploration showing camera zooming, rotation and map radar.
Man! it looks SO GREAT. I want to try it
This looks fantastic! Please keep us posted on the updates
Learning skeleton, bones and bone-influence for runtime skin mapping has been interesting and challenging, and I made it work for my game with quite good end result.
Cool isn’t it ? You can make awesome things with babylon
gameplay showing worn equipment updating:
I have added melee weapon animations for my game MudGate, and here you can see one-handed weapon animations. There are also animations for dual weapons, twohanded weapons and shield & weapon.
Melee weapon animations here
All this is made by BabylonJS! Look at my cinematic gameplay teaser for my game project. All real-time of course
Man I’m so impressed!!
@thomlucc we need to add it to our homepage!
MudGate has now a Steam Store Page
Congrats. Time to celebrate
Impressive work, congrats!
Huge !!! Congrats !!!
cc @PirateJC This is huge!