wasd to move around, space to jump, shift to sprint, and arrow keys to control the camera
if you want music you can toggle that with ‘m’
if you want to sit down press ‘r’
finally if you get stuck or just want to fly around, press ‘u’ to toggle fly mode(gravity is off) and ‘i’ flies up and ‘o’ flies down
Also if anyone has any ideas on how to get this guy to swim I’m all ears, I’ve tried a few different implementations(floating sphere pg, raycasting, checking player height against water mesh height) with no luck so I called it quits for now. My fallback is to just make an invisible plane that is below the water surface for the player to “swim” on but I feel like there’s a more elegant and reusable solution.
Hey everyone! I’ve been messing around putting together an early demo of the home world for a game that I’m making and it’s just about ready to show off some progress. You can’t exactly do much more than walk around right now, but a lot of the focus was on getting a nice looking world and clean character controls while keeping it above 30-40 fps. Once I finish up polishing I plan on adding features and really start maxing out the capabilities of the engine. It’s my first time working with babylon or 3d games/3d anything so any feedback is really appreciated!
Also if you can let me know how it performs on your machine (fps-wise) because I get extremely different results based on the window size so my thinking was hopefully that my GPU cant quite manage rendering all of the objects that fit onto my larger monitor’s camera frustum. Anyways, that, any bugs, or suggestions are always more than welcome!
Any assets that aren’t created by babylon were made in magicaVoxel and exported to blender where I added final touches and animations and finally exported as a .babylon file. It was a lot of fun playing with all of the different features and capabilities and figuring out how to weave them all together, but by far the biggest challenge and most eye opening part is the never ending optimization battle against the fps. It definitely got easier as I began to learn the limitations of the engine, what caused the biggest fps hits, and all of the optimization options babylon offers. It has pretty much become the final decision maker when deciding how to implement things that I want and ended up completely shifting the direction I planned on taking the game. I thought it was a nice little look into the life of a gamedev and made me realize how much magic must be going on in the background of popular games to keep them around 60 fps…
Sorry for the long post, just wanted to give a little background and open up an opportunity for questions if anyone has any! I still have a long list of features to add so this is still very early stages but I’ll be adding to it pretty regularly. The code is available at (Apologies for the code being a big mess right now)
Last but not least huge huge shoutout to the babylonjs team for creating such an awesome engine and being so active in the community, you guys and this community were easily the most enjoyable part of this experience and there is absolutely no way I could’ve gotten this far without lurking around this forum looking for answers. Please feel free to ask any questions about the game, code, anything, and let me know what you think! Thanks again to all of you wizards at babylon, you guys are crazy:)
Here are some in game screenshots I just took too. Thanks again everybody!