.Gif displacement maps

I found this: http://meetar.github.io/threejs-shader-demos/llama.html it uses three.js, are we able to do this or something similar in babylon?

When I try to apply this gif:

I get this result:
Am I doing something wrong or?

What would you expect to see ?

To increase the smoothness, you need to increase the mesh subdivisions. also here basically you would have a tiny pretty height line following the lines and a deep valley in between all them where it is black.

You would need to rely on smthg like this to read animated gif as an animated texture: Animated Gifs in WebGL. The popularity of animated Gifs is only… | by Babylon.js | Medium

I was expecting waves almost, moving similarly to the three.js example in op - not sure if that was a realistic expectation or not

it would mostly look like a train of pretty tall hills moving together, to look like wave the gif would mainly look like a moving cloud I guess.

Fair enough, it isn’t animating for me either way, are you experiencing the same?

yes and it is totally normal webgl does not support animated gifs by default. You could rely on techniques similar to this: Animated Gifs in WebGL. The popularity of animated Gifs is only… | by Babylon.js | Medium