Hi, Im having a problem . Im trying to export a babylon scene to glb using:
GLTF2Export.GLBAsync(scene, “exportedProduct”).then((gltf) => {
the exporter is giving me a warning: unsupported material "node"
Hi Evengi, thanks for the note. Ah thats too bad, I got excited. Im wondering if there is a way to convert a node graph to a GLTF compatible description. EG: just take a snapshot of the PBRMetallicRoughness inputs and format it for GLTF. even if it means omitting certain features such as time varying properties, etc. Or perhaps the only solution is to move away from node materaisl and use non-node based PBRMetallicRoughness .
I’m afraid node materials can’t be exported to glTF, it’s too complicated. If you need that export to work, you will indeed need to use the regular PBRMaterial class for your materials.