GLB Optimizer for Geometry and Texture Conversion (WEBP and KTX2)

GLB KTX Optimizer updated! -
Thanks to @Andrew_M suggestion another button added: Wireframe Mode.

Click this button to toggle between usual rendering mode and wireframe mode.

Rendering mode settings are saved and applied after instant reload (“R” key) and after usual page reload.
To hide the bottom menu bar press ‘Space’.

There’s something wrong with this amazing website!!!

Should work now :slight_smile:

Yeah, it works well, but there is a real fear that one day the site won’t work, and I use it almost every day :pensive:

Should be available for a long time :slight_smile:
(just need to tune better my automatic hosting payments).

I am making some improvements, especially with KTX textures conversion speed, and will make the repo public when the code will be in suitable condition.

:+1: :+1: :+1: