Global position to local position

I need convert a global position to local position related to a purple mesh, in this case:

why ?
when bullet impact, i need convert that position to local position related with mesh collider (purple)
because the jumpgate is movement vertically, this is necessary to start/keep a fire/smoke in correct place.

Impact data is obtained from the bullet ray cast.

i tried :

  return BABYLON.Vector3.TransformCoordinates(_pos, _mesh.getWorldMatrix().invert());

but fails

Bullet crash code

//"this" is a bullet instance
//bigenemy is a jumpgate
const pickResulta = this.ray.intersectsMesh(big_enemy.mesh_collider,false);
if (pickResulta.hit) {
  // console.log(, "contra big enemy collider" );

Don’t do _mesh.getWorldMatrix().invert(), because invert operates in place, so you modify the world matrix of the mesh. Do _mesh.getWorldMatrix().clone().invert() instead.

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Thanks, now works fine!