Hi! I’m currently trying to use the GLTF2 exporter to export my models.
Using GLBAsync/ GLTFAsync on the Playground seems to be working just fine, but when I’m using it on a current project, the .bin file is empty / the .glb file downloaded is pretty much empty.
Here’s the code snippet I’m using to download the model (basic usage, without options):
I checked for similar issues with an empty .bin/glb, and the only one I found was fixed by updating the dependencies, which I tried (everything is on the 4.2), but that unfortunately didn’t fix the problem.
One of the possible cause of the issue is that I’m using a lot of different materials, and some maybe unsupported. I removed every unsupported materials from the scene, but it didn’t fix it either.
Any ideas where I should be looking ?
Thanks a lot!
Hi, @PhilippeDeSousa, I’m not sure what issues you’re running into. I created a simple test page that loads our 4.2 engine and serializer, but it seems to work without issue:
Are you getting any console errors when exporting, or using a callback to select the meshes to be exported?
Thanks for your answer.
I’m currently trying to create a playground to show more precisely what my issue is.
I exported my scene as a .babylon file and uploaded it on github.
I created this playground: https://playground.babylonjs.com/#AAGKT6#5, but I have an issue loading the environment texture. The URL it’s trying to load it from includes the URL i’m getting my .babylon file from (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PhilippeDeSousa/BJSScene/master/https:/asset.naker.io/environment/v2/3.env), any idea how to fix it ? (it’s not a problem when I’m loading it in the sandbox, so I’m thinking it’s not coming from the file itself).
I managed to fix the playground, and exporting the GLB seems to be working just fine (https://playground.babylonjs.com/#AAGKT6#7).
However, as I mentionned in my original post, whenever I try to do it on my project, I run into the empty .bin file.
My issue is very similar to this one:
In his post, he mentions that he ran into a dependencie issues, but he actually had an error that showed him some information, but I have none.
Any idea how that issue could be fixed / find if it’s a dependencie issue ?