Gone Inspector in Sandbox

I uploaded my glb model to sandbox, then clicked “Display Inspector”. The inspector appeared for a moment, then disappeared. And there’s no way I can turn it on, even if I start all over again.

Alos there are several errors in the Chrome console (after model was uploaded):

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘GLTFLoaderAnimationStartMode’ of undefined
at new t (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:26)
at Ka (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at si (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at Al (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at xl (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at Cl (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at ul (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at Wl (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at Yl (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46
babylon.js:16 Uncaught (in promise)

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘GLTFLoaderAnimationStartMode’ of undefined
at new t (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:26)
at Ka (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at si (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at Al (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at xl (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at Cl (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at ul (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at Wl (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at Yl (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46)
at babylon.inspector.bundle.js:46

In editor.babylonjs.com everything works well, but it is very inconvenient

Pinging @sebavan

Mines been crashing whenever I select a mesh.

Both locally and on the sandbox.

Same here in sandbox. I have scene explorer but inspector comes in and disappears immediately

Same problem here. Tried on several machines, sometimes it works, sometimes not. I didn’t encounter this bug on my side but I have some colleagues who are having trouble with displaying the inspector.
Also it doesn’t seem to come from the file in itself, since we tried with 3 different files (both .obj and .babylon).

Yep @sebavan is working on a fix

It should be good by now ? (ctrl + f5 to force a refresh just in case)

Hello ! Same Problem INSPECTOR disapear ! impossible to turn glTF model in Babylon model : big BUG for me !

It worked for me. Thanks! What about the others?

Seems to be good on my end now!

Thank you seb!

@sebavan Bump. So on a bunch of my scenes I am noticing I can not select a mesh in the inspector without the other panel crashing.

If my local was running the same version as the fixed one you just did everything should come up in one pane on the right, not a split two (one pane on the left one on the right) like I am seeing?

Or is that just an argument that makes it do that. Just kinda wondering what Im missing here.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'GetAvailableVariants' of undefined
    at t.render (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:26)
    at zi (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:42)
    at Di (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:42)
    at ml (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:42)
    at cs (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:42)
    at ls (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:42)
    at Jl (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:42)
    at babylon.inspector.bundle.js:42
    at t.unstable_runWithPriority (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:50)
    at Ha (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:42)

Is the error it drops when I select a mesh. Everything else works, like selecting lights or post effects.

This is not directly related to the sandbox, but figured it is the same bug.

It looks like you do not have the loaders in your script list ??? or they are not using the latest version ?

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You where right:
<script src="https://preview.babylonjs.com/loaders/babylonjs.loaders.min.js"></script>
got changed to
<script src="https://cdn.babylonjs.com/loaders/babylonjs.loaders.min.js"></script>

And I am golden now!

@sebavan maybe you know how to resolve same problem in case inspector is imported the ES6 way? I have it imported like:

import "@babylonjs/core/Debug/debugLayer";
import "@babylonjs/inspector";

and get the Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'GetAvailableVariants' of undefined error on mesh selection.

I’ve tried to add the import "@babylonjs/loaders"; side effect, but it didn’t help :upside_down_face:

Do you have consistent version in your package.json ?

yes, we have

"@babylonjs/core": "4.2.0-alpha.22",
"@babylonjs/inspector": "4.2.0-alpha.22",
"@babylonjs/materials": "4.2.0-alpha.22",

@babylonjs/loaders is also installed as a dependency and has "version": "4.2.0-alpha.22"

if it helps, this works fine in alpha.20 and is broken for us since alpha.21

w000000t I am pretty sure of the issue then :-*( I will try to have a fix by end of day !!!

Ok I got it, the fix should be available in about 1 hour on npm in alpha 23