I have 2 boxes in my scenes:
the top one was imported from Blender. And the bottom was created with MeshBuilder.CreateBox.
Then I applied the same gradient material (BABYLON.GradientMaterial) to both of them.
My issue is the gradient on the box imported from Blender looks weird.
Any idea why ?
Hello can you share it on the playground?
Seems like the box created in blender has some weird values for positions.
Can you share the blender file? Adding @Vinc3r
scene_test.zip (108.4 KB)
I don’t see issue on your blender mesh.
I’ve never used the gradient material, but I suppose it doesn’t use UV but mesh bouding box? If so, just use one material per mesh instead of sharing it: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#2IFRKC#71