Hello, I have a project in Next.js with HavokPlugin where there is a ground/platform and on top of it there are some spheres that move.
For Cylinder, Box platform (CreateCylinder, CreateBox) everything works fine sphere’s physicsBody and ground physicsBody are generated (through PhysicsAggregate) and the spheres don’t pass through ground but stay on top of it. (I can see PhysicsBody by enabling Viewer ShowBody
But if I try to create a Mesh and create a PhysicsBody of MESH type for ground/platform spheres pass through the ground and I can’t see the “body” of ground using Viewer.showBody(ground.body). Same when I CreateCylinder for ground if on PhysicsAggregate function I add BABYLON.PhysicsShapeType.Cylinder works fine and I can see PhysicsBody but if I use BABYLON.PhysicsShapeType.MESH it doesn’t work PhysicsBody for ground isn’t initiated/added
In Playground it works as expected
On nextJS project I have to add Havok like this
import HavokPhysics from "@babylonjs/havok";
import { HavokPlugin } from "@babylonjs/core/Physics/v2/Plugins/havokPlugin";
// ...
// initialize plugin
const havokInstance = await HavokPhysics();
// pass the engine to the plugin
const hk = new HavokPlugin(true, havokInstance);
scene.enablePhysics(new Vector3(0, -gravity, 0), hk);
Any help on how to debug this
Thanks in advance